Meet the two brothers on a mission to provide quality earth-friendly products

Meet the two brothers on a mission to  provide quality earth-friendly products

“There used to be a giant heap of garbage near my home, piling up and rising every single day. It was utterly dissatisfying to see the plastic filled heap everyday , which deep down felt like a threatening warning for the actions of mankind right in front of my Eyes. Burning issues of rising climate change and the threatening problem of single use plastic everything collectively gave me a strong push to think about a way to save our environment” says Ankit Tripathi founder of Uneakoa brand which provides quality earth-friendly products produced by the marginalised section.

I discussed about the same with my brother Atul who was working with a consultancy as a design thinker, back then. My brother and I both quite different in our respective approaches, nevertheless had the values of empathy and social good in common.

Ankit & Atul Tripathi together envisioned the concept ofUneako, where they decided to come up with unique alternatives for plastic to maintain the sustainability of our environment in the long term. Uneako, now in full swing, is a movement to create environmental awareness.

Through their range of eco-friendly, non-plastic products, they are trying to encourage people to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. All the products are manufactured from completely natural recyclable wastes and organic materials.

Gradually , with an innate desire to do something good for the marginalised communities of our society, we started extending support to the marginalised and neglected communities of our society.

Uneako has emerged as a full package of holistic social welfare— impacting everyone around it in a positive, sustainable manner.

Uneako- Sharing Sustainable Happiness

Pollution and poverty— these two were the biggest takeaways that imapacted the younger founder Ankit Tripathi. With his brother Atul, Ankit found the solution in Uneako — a brand which provides quality earth-friendly products produced by the marginalised section.

Uneako is composed of the terms “unique” and “eco.”

These products are climate-positive, biodegradable and provide economic opportunities to those in need. Each Uneako product has three key characteristics— quality, innovation and sustainability. The superior quality of every Uneako product ensures that people do not have to sacrifice comfort by buying green.

Uneako constant innovation makes sure that theUneako family always has access to improved and diverse range of products. And all its products have elements which encourage the user to take easy but conscious steps to lead a more earth-friendly life.

POLU, the polar bear,Uneako brand mascot, symbolises the urgency for the change to a sustainable lifestyle. For if our lifestyle remains the same, Polu and there family would be the first to disappear forever due to climate change. And the street children? Well, very soon, their families would be hit the hardest. In a world rapidly going downhill, we hope you join the Uneako family to share sustainable happiness and create a bright new future— for all life on earth.

Dream to Reality :

A long Journey Uneako aims on widening it’s circle of reach socially as well as economically. Expanding it’s community to combat climate change. Product diversification and developing more environment friendly product solution will be it’s focal points. The company have received support from Atal Incubation Centre, BIMTECH, NIET- tbi.

Uneako which was envisioned by two brothers is now a proud host of young minds from across the country working zealously to create a holistic atmosphere and impacting everyone in a positive and sustainable manner.

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