How to be a more responsible and eco friendly traveller

How to be a more responsible and eco friendly traveller

How to be a more responsible and eco-friendly traveller | Travelling does involve its fair share of carbon footprint – from the fuels to using plastic. The impact directly depends on the resources used and trip habits of different persons. This should stop anyone from travelling, but rather compel people to make better travel choices. 

Although the idea might seem quite overwhelming, being a responsible and eco-friendly traveller means making small changes that can positively impact the planet. 

This guide is perfect for an aspiring eco-friendly traveller, taking actionable steps towards this direction without feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Let’s look at what responsible travel means and how we can start the same. 

What is responsible travel?

Responsible travel means taking responsible steps that take complete account of the environment, industry and communities. Sustainable travelling is not just an excellent opportunity for travellers to explore. Still, it also offers local people a chance to get involved in the tourism industry and benefit them in the long term. 

On the other hand, green travel is all about making smart choices that help remove or reduce the negative impacts we create when we have to travel. By choosing eco-friendly transportation, lodging, tour operators, we can do minor damage to the environment and create more benefits for the local community. 

Green travel vs Greenwashing ? 

Greenwashing is termed as the disinformation presented by the organisation falsely to create an environmentally responsible public image. Greenwashing directly relates to the marketing strategy to deceive the customers into believing that the company is environmentally conscious. 

The same practice is not new in the travel industry. There are tour operators who promote themselves as eco friendly yet indulge in irresponsible activities like elephant rides, wildlife tours, etc. How do we know whether a company is truly green or not? 

  1. A responsible company or tour operator will operate according to the needs of the local people before travellers’ desire – to create a positive change in society. 
  2. In the case of volunteer travel, the organisation will focus on meeting the community’s needs and not just “feel good” activities for the travellers. 
  3. The genuinely responsible travel organisations and businesses will have tie-ups with international organisations like World Wildlife Fund, the Rainforest Alliance and so on. 
  4. Lastly, they will also take pride in supporting a good cause by being transparent about their workings. They should be happy to answer any questions you may have about the initiatives. 

Ways to Travel Responsibly 

1. Start from home 

The best way to start with a responsible travel experience is to start from home – especially if you are entirely new to the idea. Practice responsible travel activities and practice them in your day to day life before you leave. 

Here are some responsible living/travel practices that you can do to lower your environmental impact while also staying at home – 

  1. Please switch off the appliances when not in use or unplug them 
  2. Unsubscribe your newspaper and try reading them online
  3. Make sure you compost organic waste and send glass, paper and plastic 

2. Choose an eco-friendly stay 

If no guesthouses are accessible, you can stay inefficient and environmentally lodging. This is among the initial stages in putting your knowledge of responsible tourism into reality on the spot.

So, can stay at a guesthouse provides an environmentally beneficial encounter? Yes, however, you should double-check it before setting money aside.

To go the additional mile, inquire about the hotel’s in-house environmental programmes. Investigate whether the property has a circular economy, employs resource lights, adheres to green cleaning regulations, and so on.

3. Support local conservation 

No matter how much resources you consume during your trip, it is always a good idea to support local conservation efforts whenever possible. Also, make sure that you stick to designated areas to protect the ecosystem and leave no waste behind. You can also take an extra step by doing beach clean up. 

4. Eat local 

Instead of consuming shipped-in food, which increases your carbon footprint, eat and drink locally sourced, in-season foods. This is simple to do by purchasing at local markets or studying ethical eateries ahead of time.

This strategy not only promotes local farmers and suppliers, but it is also healthy for you.

5. Reduce in-flight carbon footprint 

This greenhouse gas contributes to global warming, but there are several things you can take to limit your atmospheric carbon output when travelling.

One option is to schedule direct flights rather than transferring. However, contributing to global carbon emissions when travelling can be essential.

To counteract this, you may give to carbon-mitigation programmes that aim to reduce the effects of global warming while also assisting the regions most affected.

Planning your vacation with family members and friends is indeed a way to educate others on the significance of responsible travel and make them more aware of the value it provides to your time overseas.

So, what have been some of the most excellent methods to begin the journey towards becoming a better conscious explorer? That is simple.

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